Thursday, February 7, 2008

mumbles, rambles..

Joining the bandwagons of bloggers....I'm not really a "writer", whatever in here are things i feel like writing...some could be masuk akal, some are just ramblings...i love to babble...really.

i can literally talk non-stop if i'm comfortable enough with the people around me... :-) tend to be very quiet sometimes too....see? i'm rambling...

there you first entry..hahaha.


i am me said...

quote: "'m not really a writer" <-- irony coz u technically are a writer kann? hehe.. btw, congrats on joining the blogger wagon. sila mulakan dengan entry 5 things u dunno about me ye..

Cik Puan Bidadari said...

ahahaha..terus kena tag! writer in the sense, nak tulis ayat-ayat bombastik kot tak reti..saya ayat skema reti lah sikit. :-D

Mummylicious said...

"'m not really a writer"


thats not a good sentence to promote Malaysian reporters and journalists integrities is it now?

Queen Of The House said...

Not really a writer ..... ?????

Run that again by me, please.

Cik Puan Bidadari said...

ahahah..alaa...the term 'not really w riter' tu for me, means that takdelah menulis dengan ayat-ayat bombastik, cantik, berpuitis etc...

ayat cacamarba tu boleh lah... :-D