Sunday, September 7, 2008

gloomy days...

no more running nose, no more coughing in my sleep, no more bedrest, no more working while being sick...i'm feeling better now...thank you everyone for the get well wishes...

yes, i suffered for almost 2 weeks...tak pernah that bad sakit...i guess its God's way, telling me to slow down....

it has been a busy month...takde beza pun if pregnant or not...i still have to run around like a chicken kena potong kepala, meet datelines and face with the work stress yg makin lama, rasa makin banyak...*sigh*...

i have yet to upload the latest baby pix...esok-esoklah kot...tak scan lagi, but so far so good...we are having a very active baby...masa i sakit je dia banyak senyap..maybe with the meds i was taking, dia nak bagi the mama rest...

yes, we have decided to call me mama...memula nak panggil bonda tapi yg asyik kuar di bibir is either mommy or mama...since we prefer mama, mama it is la... :-D

what a week....Pak Samad passed away last Thursday. he was 84. Alfatihah. eventho i do not personally know him, nor have read his works, but somehow he has created an impact to me...made me want to be a better journo...(he showed what a real journo should be..tanpa perlu buttering up org lain, buat kerja bukan hanya utk diri sendiri but for society...)....may he rest in peace.

i am now di tahap kebluran yang melampau...i'm clueless on what to write these days, esp utk features agak tepu je otak ni...its making me very restless, sometimes sedih je...susah la like this..esp dah nak kena buat stock ramadan and raya...*sigh*...

selamat menyambut ramadan everyone...!


i am me said...

hey... i call myself bonda too u know..(but i guess u've already knew this) tapi cuma kalau berbahasa melayu dengan diya. if english (which is most of the time) i panggil myself mom. :p gedik tak nak ada 2 panggilan?

n yes.. mula2 panggil bonda tu memang kekok but now i dah terbiasa dah.. *feeling2 anak diraja sket :p

Busy Bee said...

glad to hear u're back on ur feet again. tapi dah sehat, stress ngn keja pulak eh :)

i yg tak pregnant ni pun selalu pikir what i want my children to call me later okay *gedik but i tak kesah* i prefer normal callings like mama or ibu. bonda pun mcm cute tapi mcm susah nak sebut. boleh? :P *no offence*

Anonymous said...

hari tu kat kedai speedy i overheard one small little boy calling out loud his mom "bonda! bonda! can i buy this video?". sgt comel ok! i think i want my child to call me bonda too hehe so it will be daddy & bonda...sesuai tak?

farahani said...

bonda adalah sangat cute. i want my children to call me umi tapinyerrr abang wants his children to call the mother umi i tukar plan.hmphh.

Cik Puan Bidadari said...

tun,ok je nak panggil bonda...i guess i am still kekok nak guna the panggilan. anyway, mama comes naturally, so thats why i decided to use it.. :-D

bee, non taken...bonda mmg cam susah nak cakap... :-D thats why i kekok..

fab, sesuai long as u comfy with the name...i think the name depends on how u feel..whatever comes naturally.

angah, umi comel...akak takleh la nak pakai umi or ibu..terlalu lembut for me...*wink*