Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Went for my first checkup with the obgyn at Amp*ang Put*eri tadi....
the waiting room was really the time i sampai still tak ramai lagi..
but while waiting, makin lama makin ramai with expecting parents waiting for their turn...
i think i was the only one yang still kat peringkat awal pregnancy coz yg lain semua dah nampak tummy...

while waiting ada this nurse went for rounds and promoting/giving advise and tips to the expecting mothers regarding breastfeeding.
mind you, most of the mums there are not first time moms and they still have problems and questions about breastfeeding.
i tanya sikit jer since masa tu still blur with everything thats going on around me.
tgk kat mana office my dr, loo, pintu...

apparently the hospy dah diiktiraf baby friendly hospy and they have parenting courses that mengajar everything about being parent e.g breastfeeeding, nak mandi baby, labour, exercises...
thinking of joining the class around my 29th/30th week (masa tu yg diarog recommended pun)

i like the waiting room. even the loo pun ada those aromatherapy thingy...very-very comfy.

the dr shares the waiting room with his wife, who is also an obgyn (a famous person in the country, actually...think Mer*cy Mala*ysia).
i can see why lah both dr among the fave obgyn at the hospy.
ramai pergi sana, when i lalu the other consultant's rooms, takdelah the ramai crowd...
sama ada they are not there or mmg hari ni tak ramai...

anyway...when it was my turn masuk....
seriously jantung berdegup kencang (i'm easily nervous, even kalau kerja and nak tanya soalan pun akan berdebar tahap tak ingat)...
the dr was a pleasant man and very attentive...
his office reminds me of a room full of books...
dah check all the medical history, went for the scan...

Alhamdullilah the baby is in the womb (bukan kat fallopia*n tube or anything)...
but it was really-really tiny.
tak nampak its shape pun lagi, apart from its sac.
even the heartbeat pun takleh nak kesan yet.

dr said that it was still too early and i should come again in 2 weeks time utk next checkup, and by then, if tade masalah, should ada heartbeat.

takut ok masa dia kata if takde masalah should ada heartbeat by then....
seriously takut if takde.
i droved home praying that the baby will continue developing tanpa sebarang masalah...

so, 5th may, another visit...
by then, i hope everything goes well....

p/s : disebabkan kebluran saya, lupa nak minta the dr the copy scan. takpe, next visit saya minta and letak, ya?...


i am me said...

bidadari: yes its prolly too early to see the heartbeat altho ramai jerr yg terpaksa menggunakan cara2 laen untuk mencari heartbeat kalau tak jumpa jugak. u can ask yzma and sabb 4 details. both of them had alternative ways to tengok baby's heart, READ: FROM DOWN BELOW!

btw. yes u shud breast feed.. and i cant stress more but YOU R SOOO PERFECT FOR MY FOCUS GRP!

Anonymous said...

i otoh, cant help but feel jealous of your wonderful pregnancy. the way u described it is like every moment is soooo damn precious. aiyohhh how la like this. help! saya pun nk pregnant!! *gedikk tak gedikkk*

Queen Of The House said...

It's your first pregnancy .... mestilah blur and nervous. You'll get the hang of it pretty soon, don't worry. And yes yes don't forget to ask for the scan pic EVERY TIME it's done, it's great for keepsake. Buatlah baby book from now .... nanti bila baby dah keluar baru nak buat, honestly you won't have the time (or the energy)!

beautifulLIFE said...

hehhe..anne..been there!mmg giler insya allah ok..just pray..and drink milk!..hhmm..queen..i wish dulu dah buat baby book tp skrang asyik bertangguh jer!hehaha..nway anne..breast feeding is very very good..kalu u dpt exclusive BF lagi best..i tabik u aaa..heheheh..unfortunately i takdpt full breastfd.. :<