My husband seems to think that i have a fascination towards backhoes....why you ask? :-)
well, it all happened last Tuesday nite...i went to pickup Fitri at the LR*T station and he suggested "Jom pergi makan ketam"...its like music to my ears...i've been craving for ketam masak sweet sour since forever and off we go to Brickfiel*ds (thats my family's fave spot for ketam and steamboat chinese style..yum!)...
sampai-sampai je sana, the kedai tutup..uhuhu...i'm not sure the kedai tutup on that particular day or dia mmg dah tutup forever...anyway, we decided to go back home...
as we drive past Brickfie*ld's police station, and sampai the jalan where you can go left towards KL and right, PJ, in front of us was this massive bus...
selepas menyelit jalan, rather naik divider, utk masuk jalan ke arah KL (the bus halang jalan), we on the way home..
di Jalan Sy*ed Putr*a, as soon as the bus/taxi lane tamat, we were at the back a backhoe...of as u know, backhoes are really sllllooooowwww....
nak potong, banyaklah pula kereta...so, kena sabar je la..then, amiklah ext dekat area masjid negara..
punyalah sibuk berborak, i missed the exit to Jalan Sulta*n Isma*il, so lalulah Jalan Tu*n Razak....
Then, i noticed that my SLK (Small Little Kelisa) almost running out of petrol...as most of you know, dekat sebelah Hospy Pusra*wi tu ada Petrona*s kan? i have this habit of driving in lane tengah and lepas je Pusat Dara*h, i masuklah lane kiri (selepas fitri suggested i masuk kiri so that i don't miss the petrol pump)...
and guess what? in front of us ada backhoe!!!!
Fitri : u suka duduk belakang backhoes kan? *teasing me*
Me : Mana ada, u yg suruh i masuk kiri, tgk-tgk ada backhoe..mana i nak tau... :-P
in fact, it turned out that bukan hanya satu je backhoe depan we all..ada about 5!!!!
by then, i dah ketawa gila-gila dah...and we were lega that the petrol station dah dekat, so tak perlu duduk belakang them dah..
boy, were we wrong!
As Petrona*s was approching, we realised that the backhoes in front of us is also turning to the same petrol station!
both of us were laughing even louder!
i was imagining the backhoes macam sekumpulan lembu..like the ones you see dalam citer Cars...seriously!
as we were filling up, all the backhoes pun sama!...the station dimeriahkan dengan kehadiran backhoes! :-P
we filled up cepat-cepat and pray that takde lagi backhoes in from of us...and surely enough, takde...hehehe...
until now i still laugh whenever i ingat that nite...heheh...