Wednesday, June 25, 2008
rock on!
hahha...obviously this is not my tummy..mine still kiut miut lg setakat nie...comel-comel pun dah 80% baju lama takleh pakai....*alasan nak beli baju baru..hahah*..
but i do have a baby bump already now...kalau i pakai baju esp yg longgar or baju kurung tu jarang la nampak..tapi kat rumah kalau bersleeve-less tu, seriously boleh nampak! *me so happy*
of courselah fit*ri akan menyakat and cakap : "tu perut org kenyang makan cheesecake, pizza...etc".. :-D
my appetite dah datang balik...and i eat quiet banyak!! and now, slowly but surely, i dah start on taking milk...makan dengan cereals/minum dgn mi*lo nausea dah oklah..just muntah like once a day esp at midnite....*sigh*....
i managed to persuade fitr*i buat cheesecake aritu...gila sedap!!! i bawa a slice to the office and share it around, even a colleague kata nak order lagi! hahahah...then the next nite makan pizza pula sebab teringin...sometimes seronoklah can eat whatever..but i do have to watch out so that i don't totally become a blimp even before my 6th month! :-P
oh, and today i can feel the baby moving!!! i think he's moving lah coz terasa bergerak-gerak je kat bahagian yang i tau dia ada....dia tak comfy coz i was crossing my legs kot...i was in an asgmt so takleh nak bangun and melompat kegembiraan or anything...
gila muka control tadi..apparently tadi pergi asgmt tu pun ada like 3 or 4 mums-to-be! semua comel-comel je dgn baju maternity (i pun sekali ek..*wink*)...
no, it wasn't painful tapi rasa cam that part kena 'ketuk'softly non stop...kinda reminds me how you ketuk pintu banyak-banyak kali...i was kinda worried at first..takut if anything tapi a few moments after that jadi balik tapi kejap je...i think the baby was moving...boleh ke u rasa baby moving at about 17 weeks?...
i don't think it was gas or something...lain from gastric pain ke apa....
anyway....i'm basically hyper today..either due to that or the fact i had a lot of food just now..hahaha...
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Dalam satu perbualan voicechat kira-kira pukul 12.45 malam :
"waaa...nanti dah tak dapat pergi pantai...," kataku sedih kerana terfikirkan kekangan masa dan juga ruang untuk bercuti, menghilangkan kepenatan.
"Pantai Dal*am ada," dengan pantas suamiku berkata sambil ketawa tak ingat dunia....
Geram kan?? nasib baik masa tu jauh, kalau tak, mesti dah kena gigit hidung... :-D
seriously, when i think about it, bila lah agaknya nak bercuti? next month i would be (or at least apply) for a week's leave...first 3 or 4 days i would be helping for my cousin's Day*ang's wedding...the few remaining days, *sigh*, cleaning my room so that it would in a way be tidy and ready for the baby....
ok-ok i know its still awal, but then, bila lagi nak buat? i work most of the time and when i have the day off, i would be too tired for anything or i would be meeting up with friends or family...
plus, i have so much things to get rid off and donate it to PB*SM. baju yang menimbun dalam my almari, most are unused tapi disimpan sebab ingatkan nak pakai tapi sebenarnya tidak...
and i still have to sort out some of the beauty and skincare products yang pilling in the drawers...mostly unused tapi terperap je....takut ada yg dah expired je...
then, the usual vacuming, dusting and sorting my books and filing the important documents...
*sigh* thinking about it pun dah buat i penat....but have to kalau tak when la rite?
oh, my body is going to be sore after all that...*sigh*
"waaa...nanti dah tak dapat pergi pantai...," kataku sedih kerana terfikirkan kekangan masa dan juga ruang untuk bercuti, menghilangkan kepenatan.
"Pantai Dal*am ada," dengan pantas suamiku berkata sambil ketawa tak ingat dunia....
Geram kan?? nasib baik masa tu jauh, kalau tak, mesti dah kena gigit hidung... :-D
seriously, when i think about it, bila lah agaknya nak bercuti? next month i would be (or at least apply) for a week's leave...first 3 or 4 days i would be helping for my cousin's Day*ang's wedding...the few remaining days, *sigh*, cleaning my room so that it would in a way be tidy and ready for the baby....
ok-ok i know its still awal, but then, bila lagi nak buat? i work most of the time and when i have the day off, i would be too tired for anything or i would be meeting up with friends or family...
plus, i have so much things to get rid off and donate it to PB*SM. baju yang menimbun dalam my almari, most are unused tapi disimpan sebab ingatkan nak pakai tapi sebenarnya tidak...
and i still have to sort out some of the beauty and skincare products yang pilling in the drawers...mostly unused tapi terperap je....takut ada yg dah expired je...
then, the usual vacuming, dusting and sorting my books and filing the important documents...
*sigh* thinking about it pun dah buat i penat....but have to kalau tak when la rite?
oh, my body is going to be sore after all that...*sigh*
Monday, June 16, 2008
Happy Papa's Day!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
hello peeps...i copied this from Tun's blog tadi and wanted to know what would your answers be....just be truthful or funny pun takpe...tak best lah pula kalau serious-serious kan? ;-)
1. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
2. How long have you known me?
3. When and how did we first meet?
4. What was your first impression?
5. Do you still think that way about me now?
6. What do you think my weakness is?
7. What makes me happy?
8. What makes me sad?
9. What is my favorite thing in the whole wide world?
10. What reminds you of me?
11. If you could give me anything what would it be?
12. How well do you know me?
13. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
14. Do you think i could kill someone?
15. Describe me in one word.
16. Do you think our friendship is getting stronger, weaker, or staying the same?
17. Do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and i would listen?
18. Are you going to put this on your blog and see what i say about you?
-courtesy of Viva..
1. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
2. How long have you known me?
3. When and how did we first meet?
4. What was your first impression?
5. Do you still think that way about me now?
6. What do you think my weakness is?
7. What makes me happy?
8. What makes me sad?
9. What is my favorite thing in the whole wide world?
10. What reminds you of me?
11. If you could give me anything what would it be?
12. How well do you know me?
13. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
14. Do you think i could kill someone?
15. Describe me in one word.
16. Do you think our friendship is getting stronger, weaker, or staying the same?
17. Do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and i would listen?
18. Are you going to put this on your blog and see what i say about you?
-courtesy of Viva..
Monday, June 9, 2008
Cartoons and TV series...
Remember the cartoons we used to watch as we were growing up? I remember duduk depan TV and tengok Thunder*cats and Transfor*mers everytime balik sekolah...
So suka tengok the cartoons sampai my cousins and i yang satu gang ni masing-masing akan jadi our favourite character in Thundercats! Abang Bo*y would be Lion-O, Mat Re*za (Tygra), Jo*jo - my bro- (Panthro), me (Cheetara), Fair*rol (Wilykat) and Daya*ng (Wilykit)..seriously everytime we gather, we would imagine ourselves to be this great character!
oh boy! what great adventures we had last time...! lari sini sana, lepas tu bising somemore with the laungan 'Thunder, Thunder, Thundercats!!!!!"...i guess we made our parents pening kepala with our antics...dahlah mostly boys and the girls pun terjebak sama!

Then you imagine that i could have a crush on robots! well, transformers! i used to think HotRo*d was good looking and oh-so-macho esp bila dia take over from Optimu*s Prim*e! i would play my bro's Transformer*s the movie video banyak kali semata-mata nak tgk HotRo*d...kalau tgk tv, i love the Dinobots! they are like so blur but funny and cool!
ok i sound come anyone would fall for a cartoon character kan? tapi for me it seems so real (masa tu la) tgk cartoons was the only time my bro and i tak bergaduh and we would sit diam-diam tgk tv....unless dia tak suka tgk Jem! hahaha....
Basically my bro and i grew up watching lots of cartoons tapi i takdelah sampai ada action figures like Joj*o..*wink*
Later on, it was cerita Jepun like Oshi*n and Moero Attack (or something like that)...masa tu lah imagine jadi pemain bola tampar terhandal! konon nak practise boleh buat somersault berpusing..sanggup ok, masuk kelab bola tampar semata-mata hype main the sport tu!
well, the geek in me still lives until now..i still love cartoons etc, just takdelah tgk sangat pun...lagipun nowdays kan dah ada comic based movies? most of the time i would watch them unless they look corny or tak real, lain cerita..
since i got married, everytime pergi rumah in-laws and fitr*i's nephew, Afi*q, is at home, he would be watching lots of cartoons over astr*o...cuti sekolah yang baru habis ni pun no exception...

apparently Ben*10 is one of his fave...he would watch it banyak kali sebab suka into it sampai at times, he could hafal the dialogs! not to mention that he had the game, the action figures and all la kan?
i pun somehow terjebak suka tgk the series...selalu nak tau what alien character ben akan jadi this time...bukannya paham sangat pun the jalan cerita to begin with.... :-D
seeing him reminds me of my childhood...tho, he's more fortunatelah sebab ada a few tv channels that caters whatever he wishes to see almost everytime....
whateveritis, i'm glad the idiot box was created and i had a wonderful childhood with my bro and cousins....!
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Apparently 75% of my baju dah tak muat...even nak keluar jumpa Nan*a and Sab*b tadi pun ambil about an hour to choose what to wear...
No, it wasn't the "what to wear" situation yg kita selalu face when nak pergi kerja, kenduri etc...its more, "baju apa yg boleh muat and kena"...hahaha..really, tak pernah imagine that i would have problem utk cari baju macam ni...
eventho agak muat lagi, but i think yesterday was my last day wearing my fave jeans sebab i tak selesa whenever i duduk..most of my baju kurung mmg dah tak muat di bahagian fact, i tak kancing pun, just zip it takat yang boleh and 'matikan' zip tu...baju muat lagi....but i realise that it won't be long....
so, last Friday i went to my regular tailor in Melawat*i and tempah 2 baju kurung..
Me : "Aunty, buatkan baju besar aa?"
Aunty : "Ok...kain getah sekali kan?" she said dengan nada yang amat memahami..
and today, i went to MidValley (singgah sekejap after meeting Nan*a, Sabb & Khali*l for brekkie), i was lucky that i managed to find a parking space dengan senang sekali di MV...then the haunt for my baju...
you see, wasn't really planing to buy banyak-banyak pun sebab my tummy in a way is still quite kecik....plan nak beli then balik terus....
so, i managed to buy a pair of pants and a couple of tops...apa yang menghairankan is, whylah mommy clothes colour semua lembut-lembut and oh-so-terlalu-feminine..? takde pun colour-colour ceria... :-(
altho i love what i bought, but really wish ada banyak lagi choices warna....seluar tu lain citer lah..just the tops...maybe its just me, maybe i wasn;t looking hard enuf...maybe just maybe...
but whateveritis, i'm sure today will not be the only day i'll be shopping for mommy clothes... :-D
p/s : i'll be having my medical checkup tomorrow...i pray everything would be fine....
No, it wasn't the "what to wear" situation yg kita selalu face when nak pergi kerja, kenduri etc...its more, "baju apa yg boleh muat and kena"...hahaha..really, tak pernah imagine that i would have problem utk cari baju macam ni...
eventho agak muat lagi, but i think yesterday was my last day wearing my fave jeans sebab i tak selesa whenever i duduk..most of my baju kurung mmg dah tak muat di bahagian fact, i tak kancing pun, just zip it takat yang boleh and 'matikan' zip tu...baju muat lagi....but i realise that it won't be long....
so, last Friday i went to my regular tailor in Melawat*i and tempah 2 baju kurung..
Me : "Aunty, buatkan baju besar aa?"
Aunty : "Ok...kain getah sekali kan?" she said dengan nada yang amat memahami..
and today, i went to MidValley (singgah sekejap after meeting Nan*a, Sabb & Khali*l for brekkie), i was lucky that i managed to find a parking space dengan senang sekali di MV...then the haunt for my baju...
you see, wasn't really planing to buy banyak-banyak pun sebab my tummy in a way is still quite kecik....plan nak beli then balik terus....
so, i managed to buy a pair of pants and a couple of tops...apa yang menghairankan is, whylah mommy clothes colour semua lembut-lembut and oh-so-terlalu-feminine..? takde pun colour-colour ceria... :-(
altho i love what i bought, but really wish ada banyak lagi choices warna....seluar tu lain citer lah..just the tops...maybe its just me, maybe i wasn;t looking hard enuf...maybe just maybe...
but whateveritis, i'm sure today will not be the only day i'll be shopping for mommy clothes... :-D
p/s : i'll be having my medical checkup tomorrow...i pray everything would be fine....
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