i woke up from a short and what i wished was a good nap this evening with tears (more like teriak tak ingat) in my eyes...no, i wasn't having the same sagging-fear-bila-tua-kerepot issues Cik Vanilla had after her sleep...
when i think about it now seems silly..but i tell you, i menangis tak hengat tadi!
ok, this is how the dream (or rather nightmare) went (sila maafkan sekiranya tak logik atau banyak holes) :-P
we were at my in-laws place in taman tar...the atmosphere wasn't really merry like before except for two people the - fitr*i and a girl that muka i tak nampak-..they were dressed in baju melayu and kurung kuning yang sangat cantik..i was at one of the sofas, sulking and trying to contain my tears....
sebab tak tahan dgn their kegembiraan, i went up to our room...there, it was beautifully decorated and dengan tiba-tiba i was crying mcam air terjun turun kat tanah tinggi..Fitr*i went up and we were in the room alone...he saw me, with the same smile on his face...
he asked me to iron a kain pelikat he was holding (who really iron kain pelikat yg pakai tidur tu kan?) and i dengan menangis-menangis ni cakap : "suruhlah bini baru iron"...
sambil tu i was throwing all the contents in the almari at him and a suitcase yg tetiba ada atas katil...
i woke up overwhelming with emotions and crying non-stop..terus call Fit*ri and asked :
"Abi sayang ayang kan?" (i'm laughing rite now but masa this call was made, i was sobbing and barely understandable)...
Fitr*i who was at a kedai kopi ke mana ntah (i can hear air as*ia promos dekat background) was caught off guard and then terus ketawa but then control sikit sebab there's obviously a crowd around him...
(hubby likes to tease me whenever i was feeling emotional so that i would forget whatever was making me sad)
this time he can't tease me that much but i know he was covering his mouth so tak ketawa kuat (yes, semua org tau yg dia boleh ketawa really loud ;-P)
"tulah tidur petang lagi...." my husband said sambil ketawa..(later that evening dia cakap i nie pikir bebenda mengarut je..)
after i calmed down, and dah letak telefon hubby terus hantar sms...not teasing me this time... :-D
seriously i don;t know what has come over me..i senang sangat menangis nowdays..! penat sikit nangis, nightmare macam tu jer nangis, menangis over a toaster! (that one you guys kena tanya fitr*i)....
sorry lah cerita mengarut sekejap dalam blog..but i really can't help myself and laugh now..
i'm praying for a friend's health rite now....
Ilan*i, i hope you'll feel better and keluar from IC*U, hospy, soon so that you can see and touch your baby...
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
The power of technology...everyone knows that the world is becoming smaller esp with the constant progress of technology...
in my world, communication has been an important tool..esp with hubby duduk di Mela*ka jauh nun di sana...we would call, sms each other regularly...sometimes lil' notes to make our day (cik vanilla paham rasanya *wink*)...
Fit*ri recently bought a phone (tukar phone no*kia lama dia yang kalau habis battery je kena swtich on guna pin or something small...)...if sesiapa kenal my hubby, he's basically a simple guy who likes simple things...just sometimes je dia suka splurge...in this case, this is the sometime..
you see, i had to buy a phone after my phone went 'swimming' in a cup of hot milo late last year...and Fitr*i always liked my new phone...well, he likes to tease me with the phone sebab ada 3G but nobody i know really uses 3G...semua malas nak on their videocalls...so, basically i just bought a 3G phone sesaja tanpa really menggunakannya...hahah...
until now...
back to Fitr*i's new phone...since he desperately had to tukar a new phone, he bought the same model as me! just different colour jer....therefore, we sometimes akan use the videocall lah...(fitr*i uses his phone to hook to the net most of the time too...)
so, remember my previous entry regarding the failed attempt to buy a pair of comfy sandals?? this is where technology comes in....
you see, i've given up my quest to find scho*ll's sandal after the last ordeal..apparently, Fitr*i masih lagi bersemangat...(thats why i love him-lah...heheh)...
one day masa dia tgh berjalan-jalan di one of the shopping complexes kat kota melak*a, di apergilah this kedai scho*ll...and carikan my sandal memandangkan i tak boleh nak buat keputusan berdasarkan description yang diberikan melalui our phone conversation, (i was at work that time) and kalau nak mms gambar surely lembap, kami menggunakan *jeng je jeng* video call~!
bayangkan that hubby dok menyuluh his phone to different kind of sandals so that i could have a closer look throughtout the store! :-D
Fitr*i even told me that the salesgirl even helped!
"Bang, bang sini cerah sikit.." sambil menunjukkan kawasan berlampu so that hubby can bawa the sandal there and that i can see more clearly...
even thinking about it and membayangkan lagak my husband makes me crack up even until now...
sayangnya, every design i wanted takde saiz...!
so, tanpa berputus asa, Fitr*i went to Park*son and did the same thing...video call so that i could see the sandals! hahahaha...of course kali ni takdela the salesgirl yang as helpful as before but we sure appreciate that the aunty yang jaga the department faham the keadaan and allow hubby to continue with the call...
after beberapa kali pusing the designs, finally i dapat one pair of sandals yang i suka and in my size!!
see? how grateful i am to technology! (and to my husband yang berani utk buat the video call eventho it might look silly to some...*hugs*)
in my world, communication has been an important tool..esp with hubby duduk di Mela*ka jauh nun di sana...we would call, sms each other regularly...sometimes lil' notes to make our day (cik vanilla paham rasanya *wink*)...
Fit*ri recently bought a phone (tukar phone no*kia lama dia yang kalau habis battery je kena swtich on guna pin or something small...)...if sesiapa kenal my hubby, he's basically a simple guy who likes simple things...just sometimes je dia suka splurge...in this case, this is the sometime..
you see, i had to buy a phone after my phone went 'swimming' in a cup of hot milo late last year...and Fitr*i always liked my new phone...well, he likes to tease me with the phone sebab ada 3G but nobody i know really uses 3G...semua malas nak on their videocalls...so, basically i just bought a 3G phone sesaja tanpa really menggunakannya...hahah...
until now...
back to Fitr*i's new phone...since he desperately had to tukar a new phone, he bought the same model as me! just different colour jer....therefore, we sometimes akan use the videocall lah...(fitr*i uses his phone to hook to the net most of the time too...)
so, remember my previous entry regarding the failed attempt to buy a pair of comfy sandals?? this is where technology comes in....
you see, i've given up my quest to find scho*ll's sandal after the last ordeal..apparently, Fitr*i masih lagi bersemangat...(thats why i love him-lah...heheh)...
one day masa dia tgh berjalan-jalan di one of the shopping complexes kat kota melak*a, di apergilah this kedai scho*ll...and carikan my sandal memandangkan i tak boleh nak buat keputusan berdasarkan description yang diberikan melalui our phone conversation, (i was at work that time) and kalau nak mms gambar surely lembap, kami menggunakan *jeng je jeng* video call~!
bayangkan that hubby dok menyuluh his phone to different kind of sandals so that i could have a closer look throughtout the store! :-D
Fitr*i even told me that the salesgirl even helped!
"Bang, bang sini cerah sikit.." sambil menunjukkan kawasan berlampu so that hubby can bawa the sandal there and that i can see more clearly...
even thinking about it and membayangkan lagak my husband makes me crack up even until now...
sayangnya, every design i wanted takde saiz...!
so, tanpa berputus asa, Fitr*i went to Park*son and did the same thing...video call so that i could see the sandals! hahahaha...of course kali ni takdela the salesgirl yang as helpful as before but we sure appreciate that the aunty yang jaga the department faham the keadaan and allow hubby to continue with the call...
after beberapa kali pusing the designs, finally i dapat one pair of sandals yang i suka and in my size!!
see? how grateful i am to technology! (and to my husband yang berani utk buat the video call eventho it might look silly to some...*hugs*)
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
ini saya...

I have no idea what to write actually...was waiting for an interviewee for three hours and managed to get a 15 mins interview! penat otak menunggu jer...in fact, i managed to finish a book while waiting...a story book, in fact, a roa*ld da*hl book i bought a month ago tapi tak sempat-sempat baca until tadi....
seriously penat...i guess thats the part and parcel of being a journo la kot, huh? menunggu...balik-balik office dah tak tau nak buat apa coz otak tepu...
seriously, i've been tepu the whole day! padahal banyak je kerja nak buat...maybe sebab been going for assignments, interviews almost non-stop the last couple of weeks. tgk my notes je buat rasa nak nangis...uhuhuhu....
anyway, that picture was taken selepas pergi one of my best friend's wedding last sunday....masa ni muka ceria gila...mana taknya, the whole day hyper...Fit*ri siap cakap "you are one happy pregnant lady"...giggles here, buat lawak there and at times, skipping sikit-sikit...hahahah...
i know its due to the fact Fit*ri balik...and juga since i ate nasi minyak (yg tetiba i mengidam that day...)...hahaha...masa ni ceria lagi lah...
you guys should see my face after the second departmental store we went. you see, we were out looking for a comfy nice-looking sandal i could wear esp dkt office. pergi sini no size, pergi sana pun no size. dah pula berpuluh-puluh try tu!
so tak menghairankan mengapa i turned sour lah kan?? why lah why?
i still occasionally wear heals to work but i tell you, my kaki hurts like mad as soon as i duduk...so nowdays, i tend to buka kasut whenever i can... :-(
oh btw, ni lah rambut baru saya...i potong sebab stress di office, boleh? actually mmg dah lama nak potong esp lepas dapat tau preggie tapi tak pernah ada masa nak potong...

off days pun duduk kat rumah buat kerja until wee hours in the morning (or at time start tgh-tgh malam..), so tak dptlah nak potong rambut (or pamper myself in anything including pakai mask kat rumah these days)...mind you, rambut masa tu dah panjang sampai below tulang belikat! dah la agak lama nak simpan panjang sebab kononnya nak perm tapi since dah preggie ni, dgn selalu panasnya, decided to cut it short...
so, one day lepas assignment petang, i decided tak balik office and pergi potong rambut. determined nie! of course lah pikir since the assignment habis at 5.30 and i would be stuck in traffic for an hour, baik balik kan? so balik lah...
and pergi potong rambut, jumpa Be*e there dia tak potong tapi terjebak gak buat treatment :-D....not just potong, i actually pampered my hair, bagi treatment sekali! and i'm so happy!
akhirnya, i did something for myself for such a loooong time!
Sunday, May 11, 2008

Hello, world! :-D
I'm more than 9 weeks old...probably already 10 weeks old by the time my mommy (lets call her mommy since tak decide nak panggil apa lagi kan? :-D) decides to update her blog yang dah lama terbengkalai ni.
Mommy hasn't been feeling well for the last few weeks...she has been having morning (but bukan sebelah pagi, mind you) sickness almost everyday and every time minum/makan milk or something bersusu, bersantan..*sigh*...
I know mommy feels bad for not really drinking milk as much as she wanted esp for me, but she did try sometimes...tapi still dia v*mit.. :-(
My grandparents has been supportive, they practically force my mom to drink horlicks since she cant really milk...peliknya my mom telan je the horlicks and luckily, takde the same effects as the milk, santan...
oh, i've been noticing that mommy loves orange juice and mee hoon sup recently...and she doesn't really like eating rice and lauk-pauk...tho, she loves roti, pasta, noodles (not nything yg braised tho coz apparently she is still traumatic from the meals in HK recently..)
Mommy also has been drinking a lot of water and eating fruits...esp papaya but i think mommy is worried if eating papaya would made me turned orangey masa lahir nanti...so, she's eating other fruits esp plums, green apples....
Mommy sometimes do have cravings, not really that bad. but one craving i know is mc'd's strawberry sundae and my uncle, Jojo, dah jadi mangsa beli the ice-cream at nite recently.... :-D (luckily he was out that nite and on the way home masa mommy called him..)
Eventho I'm still small, my mom selalu usap her tummy, making sure i'm happy.. :-)
I wish Abah (lets call my dad that..i like it)..would mengusap mommy's tummy too...
Mommy misses him a lot and i do too...!
Oh, recently Abah and mommy went to see Dr. As*har and they found out that i dah ada heartbeat. Alhamdulilah.
But at first, the Dr ingat I'm going to have a twin coz he kinda saw 2 of us...
I could sense that my parents were suprised....
But after much scanning, Dr kinda confirmed that I'll be the only baby...
Oh, well, siblings can come later... :-D
Now, Mommy has been berdoa everything would be fine and I'll grow into a baby yang cukup sifat, sempurna etc...
She has been worried as work has been dampening her mood nowdays...
maybe its the hormones, but i know mommy sometimes cries coz she has panic attacks...
takut kerja tak siap, plus how she wants everything to be fine...esp with me...
Apart from the family who is always caring and supportive, mommy has also been grateful coz Abah has been supportive, loving and understanding all this time, eventho he's in Melaka...
She's also happy that there's friends out there who are always by her side...
I'm happy that they are there and mommy takdelah lonely sangat..
well, i should end now...nak tidur dah..nite-nite..
I'm more than 9 weeks old...probably already 10 weeks old by the time my mommy (lets call her mommy since tak decide nak panggil apa lagi kan? :-D) decides to update her blog yang dah lama terbengkalai ni.
Mommy hasn't been feeling well for the last few weeks...she has been having morning (but bukan sebelah pagi, mind you) sickness almost everyday and every time minum/makan milk or something bersusu, bersantan..*sigh*...
I know mommy feels bad for not really drinking milk as much as she wanted esp for me, but she did try sometimes...tapi still dia v*mit.. :-(
My grandparents has been supportive, they practically force my mom to drink horlicks since she cant really milk...peliknya my mom telan je the horlicks and luckily, takde the same effects as the milk, santan...
oh, i've been noticing that mommy loves orange juice and mee hoon sup recently...and she doesn't really like eating rice and lauk-pauk...tho, she loves roti, pasta, noodles (not nything yg braised tho coz apparently she is still traumatic from the meals in HK recently..)
Mommy also has been drinking a lot of water and eating fruits...esp papaya but i think mommy is worried if eating papaya would made me turned orangey masa lahir nanti...so, she's eating other fruits esp plums, green apples....
Mommy sometimes do have cravings, not really that bad. but one craving i know is mc'd's strawberry sundae and my uncle, Jojo, dah jadi mangsa beli the ice-cream at nite recently.... :-D (luckily he was out that nite and on the way home masa mommy called him..)
Eventho I'm still small, my mom selalu usap her tummy, making sure i'm happy.. :-)
I wish Abah (lets call my dad that..i like it)..would mengusap mommy's tummy too...
Mommy misses him a lot and i do too...!
Oh, recently Abah and mommy went to see Dr. As*har and they found out that i dah ada heartbeat. Alhamdulilah.
But at first, the Dr ingat I'm going to have a twin coz he kinda saw 2 of us...
I could sense that my parents were suprised....
But after much scanning, Dr kinda confirmed that I'll be the only baby...
Oh, well, siblings can come later... :-D
Now, Mommy has been berdoa everything would be fine and I'll grow into a baby yang cukup sifat, sempurna etc...
She has been worried as work has been dampening her mood nowdays...
maybe its the hormones, but i know mommy sometimes cries coz she has panic attacks...
takut kerja tak siap, plus how she wants everything to be fine...esp with me...
Apart from the family who is always caring and supportive, mommy has also been grateful coz Abah has been supportive, loving and understanding all this time, eventho he's in Melaka...
She's also happy that there's friends out there who are always by her side...
I'm happy that they are there and mommy takdelah lonely sangat..
well, i should end now...nak tidur dah..nite-nite..
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