These happened like a month ago but i takleh lupa sampai sekarang...nak cakap geli hati,ada...nak cakap sakit hati pun ada gak...well, what do you think?
1. I*setan, KLCC
I had just finished my assignment (termasuk hantar stori) di KLCC and since i'm there, i decided to rewang-rewang sekejap before i balik rumah...malas nak rempuh jem and balik office semata-mata nak tunjuk muka padahal kerja dah siap...
anyway, my main objective was to get Dahlia a new pair of shoes esp, since she's already walking and her current pair takde tapak sangat, asyik tergelincir je...
punyalah survey...pergi mother*care, pergi isetan, even pergi adidas and nike just to bandingkan harga and the make...aiyoh, memula takmo spend sangat on expensive shoes but when i see how important it is to get those shoes yang lembut but at the same time memberi sokongan, mak pun jadi pening...
finally after dah buat purchase kat ise*tan, i pergilah the toy department..motifnya? wanted to get one of those logic game which Fitri suka sangat main...(I dapat sikit saguhati from The Company, and wanted to splurge something for the family)...bila dah dapat, biasalah pergi pula tgk toys for dahlia....
memula nak beli, tapi since tak sale and i've just gotten her a new toy about 2 weeks before, tak jadilah nak beli...(plus bila nampak the diskaun mark pada waktu tak sale, terus pikir dua kali..baik beli masa sale)...
so i went to the dvd/cd see, at my parents, we don't subscribe the kiddies channel and Dahlia has been watching TVIQ that comes free...good channel but not all programs suitable for her...
so, i wanted to get her something that might interest her...then i saw sesame street sings karaoke...kan biasanya kat bahagian CD/DVD diaorg letak tv plus a player? so, i assumed u can have a look-see before purchasing it..

kat belakang that section, ada their store room and a few sales asst tgh sibuk masukkan
Me : Adik, boleh tak akak test DVD ni
SA 1 : Takleh la akak, kena bayar dulu baru kitaorang boleh test (sambil diperhatikan oleh 2 orang SA lain)
ME : Oh? kalau akak rasa macam anak akak tak suka, kena refund balik ke?
SA 1 : A'a..
Me : ok...terima kasih la ya (padahal rasa polisi cam tu tak best la sebab the customer takde power to choose)
(masa i melangkah to see the toys nearby, i overheard this...)
SA 2 : Lor akak tu dah ada anak ke? Tak nampak pun...
Me : (hehehe...kembang kejap)
SA 2/3 : Kak, saya rasa lebih baik akak beli Quran...elok lagi untuk anak akak
ME : (Terkejut jap dan kemudian tersenyum)...Adik, akak setiap malam dengan suami akak mengajar anak akak baca muqaddam...(which we do until now)
Aiyoh, i rasa the statement from SA yang terakhir tu sangat la tak sesuai...i know he meant well, but i think tak bertempat lah juga, he kinda made me very uncomfortable.
Oh anyway, the DVD i bought? Dahlia absolutely loves it...main sampai 10 kali sehari setiap hari.. :-)
After work, i went to fetch Fitri from home and bawa dia ke TTDI where he wanted to ambil his car after a week service...
Sementara he went to see the mechanic, i went into this new boutique see butik ni jual tudung berjenama terkenal and since i tak pernah beli pun the tudung, teringin la nak tengok whats so special about it...
As i tak bawa my handbag, i pegang my phone, keys and purse (i was also still in my workclothes), i masuk the butik...
Overheard la the owner talked to her SA over the phone..apparently she just tendered her resignation and wanted to work elsewhere...lepas she hung up, the lady owner (LO) bercakap to her husband yang berada di bilik stor about loosing another worker...
I was the only customer in the butik...and of course la terdengar the conversation (the owner wasnt exactly discreet pun)...
sambil-sambil jalan around the kedai (which i have to admit cantik baju and the tudung..), and the lady owner melayan all my soalan on the baju, saiz etc...suddenly :
LO : Nak kerja tak?
Me : (Tersenyum) errrrr....tak kot.
LO : Kerja part-time pun takpe...susah sungguh nak cari pekerja sekarang
Me : Buat la iklan kat depan ke...
LO : Kalau tak pun, kenal sesiapa yang nak kerja...
Me : Taklah sorry...
Lepas tu, i keluar from the butik and try to tahan ketawa...can't help but think kenapa the LO tanya i the question...
isit becoz i was so serabai (lepas kerja, mana nak nampak anggun dah)? i definitely nampak sebagai outsider, tak setaraf seperti penduduk the posh area of ttdi? or she just meant well...
anyway, both incidences mmg lekat la dalam kepala i... :-)