A few weeks ago, my cousin and her husband, who are new parents asked me : "Salah ke if Danya gelap?"
Apparently in their fb page, a couple of their friends dok cakap their daughter is turning gelap...
I smiled and said softly, "Dahlia gelap but she is still my daughter and I love her very much. I'm proud of her...so buat tak layan je those ppl..."
Both my cousin and husband agreed but I think as new parents, they pun sure terasa...
I understand their predicament coz everytime somebody sebut Dahlia gelap or anything (or call her names), i pun marah...
i marah becoz one day Dahlia will see how ppl judge her sebab dia gelap..
I guess the world are turning stereotypical...babies should lahir putih, so tat nampak cantik....even the media and all these cosmetic/skincare company semua bersungguh-sungguh market its whitening range...ishk.
even masa mengandung orang dok sibuk suruh minum soya or makan bird's nest so tat baby nanti lahir putih...
heck, i masa mengandung dok tibai kicap just becoz...so does that made me a bad mother sebab makan?
the rules of genetics definitely tak terlintas la kan? sibuk putih jer...
Asians are not limited to the fairskinned like the ahmois...its like how most american thinks that asians means the orientals je, where in fact asians tu include the malays, indian, arabs.....
Well, eventho my daughter is not fair, but she is a darling..she is smart...and alhamdullilah dia sihat and happy...
kalau putih tapi perangai buruk pun buat apa kan?
For those who judge sebab dia or anyone gelap, i think u should see an optometrist coz the world is definitely not white.