On dahlia's 100 days birthday, she did this!!!! (this picture was taken on her 5th and final attempt on that day)...another baby milestone..
sayangnya both fitri and i missed this...in fact, she did this just a couple of hours after we left for work :-( but i am glad my parents were there to witness it..papa siap called i to tell me the good news...
"Dahlia, mama and abah is very proud of you!"
so far dahlia masih belum managed to free her right arm...selalu bila turn mesti terkepit bawah her body and she would be struggling and then cry out of frustration sebab takle keluarkan...
its soo cute to see how determined she is to keluarkan her arm...tu yg dia marah, bila try-try tak dapat... :-P
she's also adjusting hor to angkat kepala when meniarap...so far, alhamdulilah her neck dah kuat and dia teramat suka dalam sitting position (kita kena support her) and standing position...
and now dah pandai protest kalau takmo duduk dalam car seat...she would straighten her body and slide down the seat sebelum u can strap her in...and even if you do, dia still nak turun bawah juga....
apart frm that, she's now into sucking her fingers, her mitens (kalau pakai), her toys, her car seat strap, her bibs...anything around her :-P oh, and she likes to play with her air liur too.. :-P

alhamdullilah dahlia is growing beautifully, tho her arwah pediatrician did mentioned that dahlia is slightly underweight. normal 3 month year old baby is 5kg, dahlia is only 4.6kg...
note : dahlia's paed, Dr. Haliza Mohd. Shafie died just a coupleof days after we met her in a hiking accident in Ulu Ampang. She went training with pediatric surgeon and also one of the founders of mercy malaysia, arwah Dr. Amin Tai..alfatihah to both excellent Drs...such a huge loss...
i'm not really worried as she is a happy, kenyang and healthy baby...setakat ni dahlia baru sekali minum baby formula sebab due to my working hours, she had too...
i am sad that i tak dapat nak bagi dia exclusively bmikl but then, it is hard when i'm in this line of work...but i shall not give up and try to bfeed her as long as i could, sungguhpun terpaksa minum formula at times...
on a different note, thank you everyone for the birthday wish and also gifts, makcik bee, thank you for the books! i'm itching to read them!! next time datang lagi ya, so dahlia tak takut dengan u...heehe...
abi, thank you for the lovely suprise!!! the roses made my day! semua kat office pun wish ayang..and i so love the shoes~!!
ma, eventho u don't read my blog, but thank you for the shoes~~!!
(tahun ni i dapat 2 pair of crocs - santa cruz frpm fitri and pink malindi from mama)