sungguhpun most of the time she sleeps, main and look around curiosly with her big round eyes, kena tukar diaper and of course, minum susu often; she really is a darling...
after a month, what we have seen of her :-
* she has gained about a kg since birth
* she would drink milk most of the time during the day and malam, about every 3 hours....
* feisty - gosh, you should see when she wants something i.e milk, dukung
after a month, what we have seen of her :-
* she has gained about a kg since birth
* she would drink milk most of the time during the day and malam, about every 3 hours....
* feisty - gosh, you should see when she wants something i.e milk, dukung

*seorang yang amat pembersih. she would kick up a fuss so that diaper kena change as soon as the deed is done. takmo tunggu lama tu...and even kalau sikit jer pun, kena tukar juga...
* she loves to smile...eventho tgh melawan ngantuk tapi at the same time nak minum susu, Dahlia also loves to smile (i know its involuntary but cair tengok dia senyum or ketawa esp bila tgh tidur).
* she does have a tantrum (a trait my husband cakap macam i)
* gosh, she's so bijak and strong! u should try to hold her tangan or kaki, she would keraskan those limbs kalau tak suka...kena pujuk sikit baru boleh lembut... :-) beside that, tak sampai sebulan dia dah cuba mengangkat kepala bile kita try burp her after feeding...and if terlentngkan dia, she would try to push herself up..
* with her big eyes, she would tengok all over the place and stare, as if trying to absorb what is happening around her...she loves the colour blue and red.
* she loves to smile...eventho tgh melawan ngantuk tapi at the same time nak minum susu, Dahlia also loves to smile (i know its involuntary but cair tengok dia senyum or ketawa esp bila tgh tidur).
* she does have a tantrum (a trait my husband cakap macam i)
* gosh, she's so bijak and strong! u should try to hold her tangan or kaki, she would keraskan those limbs kalau tak suka...kena pujuk sikit baru boleh lembut... :-) beside that, tak sampai sebulan dia dah cuba mengangkat kepala bile kita try burp her after feeding...and if terlentngkan dia, she would try to push herself up..
* with her big eyes, she would tengok all over the place and stare, as if trying to absorb what is happening around her...she loves the colour blue and red.

*she loves the sound of cats and birds ouside.
(note : bee, thank you for the cot mobile! ada bunyi burung and we play it all the time to soothe her!)
* she tak takut dengan orang...almost everyone can pangku her easily.
* she doesn't like being swaddle but we still do it coz dia selalu terkejut bila tidur..but now i have to swaddle her after feeding and then pray for the best so that dia tak terjaga...
* if she sedar kena swaddle, she would cuba sedaya upaya sampai berjaya utk keluarkan the tngan...u should hear when she menguit-uit untk keluarkan tangan! (she would also menangis if tak berjaya or until somebody free her)..
* eventho she cries, but she's not really a baby yang kuat sangat nangis..kengkadang la menangis sampai takde suara, itupun sebab dia marah or trying to catch ppl attention or tak suka baring kat the changing table...
* she loves warm water masa mandi. if its the rght tempt, she would be very quiet and enjoying the bath....
* most ppl would cll her banyak akal. :-) she would open up her eyes masa time tidur utk tgk sama ada ada orang sebelah dia or tak...

* kalau tidur, kepala dia berat more on the right side. tangan sebelah kiri lebih aktif berbanding kanan.
* if tak swaddle (0r berjaya melepaskan tangan), she loves to letak her hand di telinga and hidung (just like her Abah) semasa tidur.
i can't believe that one mnth has passed (at tims i still can't believe that i am now a mom)...sekejap je rasa...
* eventho she cries, but she's not really a baby yang kuat sangat nangis..kengkadang la menangis sampai takde suara, itupun sebab dia marah or trying to catch ppl attention or tak suka baring kat the changing table...
* she loves warm water masa mandi. if its the rght tempt, she would be very quiet and enjoying the bath....
* most ppl would cll her banyak akal. :-) she would open up her eyes masa time tidur utk tgk sama ada ada orang sebelah dia or tak...

* kalau tidur, kepala dia berat more on the right side. tangan sebelah kiri lebih aktif berbanding kanan.
* if tak swaddle (0r berjaya melepaskan tangan), she loves to letak her hand di telinga and hidung (just like her Abah) semasa tidur.
i can't believe that one mnth has passed (at tims i still can't believe that i am now a mom)...sekejap je rasa...